We are here to share some great news with everyone! One2tuition is going digital! Technology changes lives. And so, it has affected teaching and learning processes in education. As much as your children love technology, we would like to use it to your advantage.

1. Say Hi to one2tuition Digital Learning System (DLS)! What is it all about?
One2tuition DLS is a digital platform in which your children will be able to access unlimited exercise sets, quizzes, timed assignments, and mock examinations. The unique set of assignments will be created based on your child’s learning progress and abilities.

2. How will everyone benefit from one2tuition DLS?
For parents, you will be able to globally access and monitor your children’s progress wherever you are. Yeah, they can’t really trick you now because you will be able to track their learning activities, task deadlines and learning progress.
Oh, do you recall times when your children were able to solve practice questions but they don’t score well for their tests in school? One of the factors was time management during their tests. With one2tuition DLS, we will be able to provide the platform for them to work on this through timed assessments and mock examinations. If it is too comfortable at home, no worries, our Learning Space is available for them.

3. Will one2tuition DLS significantly increase the screen time of the children?
It is inevitable that the children nowadays spend a significant amount of their time on gadgets, watching videos and playing games. Rather than straining the relationships by scolding and banning the gadgets, why don’t we let them use it meaningfully?
The daily exercises designed by the teachers will take around 15-30 minutes to be completed. We want to ensure discipline and consistency in doing the revision, while at the same time increasing their speed and accuracy in solving the questions. So, your children just need to share a little bit of their playing time to do something that is good and purposeful for them.

4. How will this be better as compared to assessment books?
One2tuition DLS will help to enhance Flipped Learning instead of implementing the typical ‘one-size-fits-all’ learning styles which are happening in school. Using Artificial Intelligence technology, we will be able to provide targeted assessments and unique sets of practices for your children.
While doing their self-practice at home, some children will have the tendency to check the answer keys to find hints and tally their answers. Nothing wrong with that. However, for one2tuition DLS, besides providing instant feedback to the students, the system will notify the teachers on the specific questions that the children were unable to solve. Hence, the teachers will be able to go through those questions with the student.

5. How will one2tuition DLS help to motivate my children in learning?
Some children find it boring to practice because they feel that they keep doing the same thing. So, we solve this for you! With one2tuition DLS, they do not need to spend too much time drilling on the topics that they have already mastered. Not to worry, once in a while, we will still assign a small percentage of the previous topics to ensure continuous revision.
The difficulty levels of exercises will be adjusted to your children’s ability. Hence, they will not be overwhelmed as we timely build their confidence through easy, medium and challenging difficulty levels.
Most importantly, the students would not be able to compare their results with other students but themselves as the programmes will be tailored to their individual learning progress. What’s about it? They will not feel left behind.

6. Will the presence of one2tuition DLS affect the learning from the teachers?
Definitely not! Computers don’t replace conversations. One2tuition DLS will help the teaching and learning. The teachers will be able to analyse each child’s individual progress and provide greater intervention on certain challenges in the topics that the student's face. It will help to ensure that the children will have more effective sessions with one2tuition teachers.

7. Are the materials provided aligned with current MOE Syllabus?
Rest assured! We are working with several education publishers in Singapore to update the content based on the latest MOE Syllabus. We also have teachers who will constantly review DLS so that we can provide curriculum-aligned resources and learning tools which will assist in preparing the students for major examinations.

8. So why should I give one2tuition DLS a try?
Honestly, nothing that we can say will convince you unless you try and see it for yourself. So what are you waiting for? Join the fun and new dimension of learning.