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The Hidden Gap: Why Your Child's Hard Work Isn't Translating to Exam Success

Writer's picture: one2tuitionone2tuition

S was a hardworking student who diligently completed her homework and exercises with ease šŸ“š. Naturally, her parents assumed that she would be well-prepared for exams. However, when the exam results came in, they were often shocked to see that S hadnā€™t performed as expected šŸ˜•.

šŸ“ As she took the in-house assessment in our centre, we managed to observe her closely. We noticed that S was getting increasingly anxious as the test progressed. She seemed tense and rushed. She was fidgeting throughout the test, shaking her legs continuously. The results and discussion after the assessment showed that S knew the material but made errors due to her anxious state and rushed approach. With this valuable insight, we managed to devise a lesson plan that specifically helped S to prepare better for her End Year exams.

one2tuition Exam Simulation (Primary and Secondary):

šŸ‘€Hence, we have been regularly organizing an Exam Simulation which aims not to increase stress but to prepare them mentally for the final exams. Upon the completion of the exam simulation, we will:

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If you're facing a similar situation, consider encouraging your child to participate in exam simulations @one2tuition. It might provide the insights needed to help your child perform their best when it counts the most šŸŒŸ.

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Share this post with someone who could use a little help right now. šŸ’–šŸŒˆ



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